HentaiCharMugen was created with the purpose of sharing and preserving Hentai Characters or Stages.
That's why all uploaded Characters and Stages must have Hentai content.
About user information
HentaiCharMugen does not share, sell or transfer any user information. Users can add their author information and it is public on their profile page, except the private email and password. All password are encrypted.
Users: All kind of person who visit this website, registered or not.
Legal age to visit HCM
This site is only for adults, that's why all visitors must be at least 18 years old to access, browse or use the site.
What registered users can do
Registered users can do in their own accounts...
- Access and update their own accounts and profile info, change their own password, and upload a profile image.
- Add, update or delete their Characters or Stages. They can have 1 main image, 1 gallery images and 1 file for each Character or Stage.
Users can publish, unpublish or delete their uploaded Characters or Stages.
Good Behavior
We are in the same site and maybe we all like similar stuff. Please be polite and behave well.
"Not allowed" list
The next list have some actions. All them are forbidden on HentaiCharMugen or their social networks. Users who break one of these rules may be banned (temporarily or permanently).
- Users must not upload or publish any content about real people (images, news, videos, etc.).
- Users must not upload or publish any illegal content (drugs, gun sell, terrorism, dangerous behaviour, fraudulent acts, criminal activity, etc).
- Users must not upload or publish any extremely graphic content (e.g. Very graphic guro content, etc)
- Users must not upload, publish or talk about religion or sects.
- Users must not do any action that affects the website, the server, social networks or their users.
- Files, images, links or any content with virus, malware or any code that affect the website, the server, social networks or their users, are forbidden.
- Spam, harassment, scam, paid surveys, offensive language, negative comments, discriminatory or hate speech are forbidden.
- Files protected by password are forbidden. Please upload your files without password.
- Link Ads are forbidden, except on these fields: Author link, Other link (1), Other link (2). Main content can have only 1 link ad.
Moderators may modify or delete any content if they consider it necessary when a rule is broken.
Adding Characters or Stages
- Please add as much information about your Characters or Stages as possible.
- Add your Characters and Stages in their respective section.
- Characters have 2 important category fields: Origin and Category. Please choose the correct option on those fields.
- Characters and Stage have a main image (sprite). This image must have transparent background.
- Upload at least 1 image to the gallery for each Character or Stage. Images must correspond to the uploaded Character or Stage.
- Upload your Characters and Stages separately. Packs with a lot of Characters or Stages are not allowed.
- Keep information organized and in their respective fields.
- Do not use only capital letters.
Rules may change if we consider it necessary.
We have a user guide to add, upload or publish your Characters or Stages. Read it on our FAQs section.
If you have questions, please send us an private message via Twitter(Recommended), Facebook or Email ([email protected])
Last Revision: January 2024
To keep Hentai Mugen alive!