
Kame-Sennins Island

Author site:

Post date:

March 9 2024

Stage info

;---------------------------- General  Info --------------------------------
I was saving this stage to be a part of a fullgame-y
screenpack called erotic battle.
that would use the add004 lifebar to import MVC1 style fx
to characters on the fly so that mvc characters that lack certain fx
would look and feel more like versus style characters
and give the HCM site & creators an official screenpack to associate
their creations with....

However it appears the news of Akira Toriyama's passing wasnt a hoax
There are no words...

Even as I type, I find myself pulled..
back to formative memories of watching Yamcha shooting at a kid goku
on my grandmother's bed.

& reminded of decisions..
I made in life merely imitating the little monkey boy.

needless to say
Thank you Mr.Toriyama for the spirit you've instilled in us
as well as the time you've spent with us.

~ Rest In Peace ~

;-----------------------------OG. Stage Credits-----------------------------

; |Kame House |
; |by Panda |
; |v0.1 (beta) |
; |Original Game: Dragon Ball (GBA)|
; |Started in 30/04/2007 |
; |Contact: |





Mugen Version = 1.1  Animated = Yes

Zoom = Far Too Much As Usual

Super Jump = You betcha ~

Bgctrls = Shenlong, Rain, Darkend Sky, Etc
