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Post date:
June 18 2023
The original creator of the SFW Noelle SPRITES has politely asked me to remove the NSFW edit as the SWF BASE was using all their
sprites to make a SFW edit of noelle WITHOUT permission from another user whom is also being asked to take that down, which is why it's on a ditto edit here
The Hyper sprites may not look to good as the colors get messed with alot upon importing so while they're in, they're disabled
to use, open fighter factory to enable them in-game as they're next to theones the're in-use even left some pngs of em
Noelle only has bottom sprites atm, the sprites were made by Lil Nauty, all he did was give me permission to put her together and
upload publicly
all i did was put em together, fix some things and that's it
Sprites made by Lil Nauty with help from RenTheDragon
If wanting more mugen content check out my twitter here https://twitter.com/BewaThisAnimal
Atm she ONLY has bottom Mating Press, more may come in one day