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Post date:
December 18 2021
January 7 2022
Aggressor & Rapist
1/4/2022 - Fixed minotaur ending scene combat, bug with being unable to KO during H moves
He was supposed to come from an earlier SNK game, Football Frenzy. Early designs of Brian depicted him in more traditional football player fashion, wearing a helmet and chest pad, but his final design left him without a helmet and a more "casual" uniform. This was done to make him not look exactly like the character Johnny Maximum in the World Heroes series. Funnily enough, this version of Brian wears Johnny Maximum's helmet (Hence the moniker jmax)
Mating Press
Side Missionary
Side Missionary Ver. B (Horukuati Compat mode)
Full Nelson
C - Grab (enter grope mode if succeeded, and if compatibility exists)
Grope Mode
X- Grope
Up - H Mode
---H Mode
Up/Down/Left/Right - Change Position
A - Speed 2
B - Speed 3
C - Orgasm
X - Auto Mode
Y - Speed 1
C - Release Target
Start - Toggle Screen Shake
Start (when near Striker) - Command Mode
Command Mode
A - Speed Up
B- Change Position
C - Threesome
X - Slow Down
Y - Release Target
Z - Exit Command Mode
Struggle + Stun System
Grabbed enemies can escape by mashing arrow and attack keys. Successive attacks increase the stun gauge, which temporarily disable the enemy, allowing them to be grabbed freely.
Orgasm System
Once the meter is filled, briefly stuns the victim. Basically a shorter duration stun that ends immediately if the victim is released.
Striker System
AI controlled assist character that can be knocked out, and can grab the victim itself, while being directed by the player. Has some limited compat for threesome animations with select characters.
[180500] - Doggy Style, Idle
[180501-180503] - Doggy Style, Speed 1-3 (Stage 1)
[1805004] - Doggy Style, Ejaculation (Stage 1)
[1805000] - Doggy Style, Idle (Stage 2)
[1805001-1805003] - Doggy Style, Speed 1-3 (Stage 2)
[18050004] - Doggy Style, Ejaculation (Stage 2)
[180211-180214] - Mating Press, Speed(1-3), Ejaculation (Stage 1)
[1180207-1180211] - Mating Press, Idle, Speed(1-3), Ejaculation (Stage 2)
[37240-37244] - Full Nelson, Stage 1
[37250-37254] - Full Nelson, Stage 2
[47240-47244] - Full Nelson, Explod (for stuff that should be above/over aggressors arms.
[1801130-1801134] - Cowgirl, Stage 1
[65069] - "KO Pose" plays when victim is eligible for stage 2 animations but has less than 50% HP. They cannot act from here.
[280120-280124] - Side Missionary, Stage 1
[22260-22264] - Side Missonary Overlayer, Stage 1
[280220-280224] - Side Missionary, Stage 2
[22360-22364] - Side Missonary Overlayer, Stage 2 (This is optional - if they don't exist, the Stage 1 Explod will be used instead)