We were busy updating and fixing some found bugs , but we are back.
Long time since we publish here, maybe 1 month, but we finished the changes.
This is what we did:
New look to the share section
Here you can share with your friends the page.
If you are visiting a character o stage uploaded by an registered user, his profile image is displayed here. Click it to visit the user profile.
Tags (beta)
Since the site was released, all character and stages had tags but they were hidden. Now you can see them. This helps to find similar characters or stages, in japanese or english language (registered users need to add the japanese translate manually).
This section may change in the future to get better results.
Bugs fixed.
Some tags in japanese had problems and didn't display the correct results. It was fixed.
Some translations were changed.
Other bugs were fixed.
New server, faster and secure
This is the reason why we were busy. We have change the server to a new one, faster and better. With this, we may add the option to sign up and have a HCM account, not only users that created or edited a character, and if we need more space, it will be easier to add more.
And for registered users, now they can sign in using a secure communication. We use Https. However nothing is perfect, remember never use weak password.
Please, if you find bugs, send us an email via twitter, facebook or here.
And if you want to add the hentai characters you created or edited, send us a message via Twitter or facebook (check this page).